Krokhol Golfklubb  (Tournament list)

Krokhol Golfklubb, 8/11/2013

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Definition and practical information
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The name of the tournament is Jernslaget, kl. 1000, Slag/slaggolf.

The tournament is held at Krokhol Golfklubb on Sunday, August 11, 2013 from 10:00 to 16:00.

Registration starts on Friday, July 12, 2013 at 00:00.
Registration deadline is on Friday, August 9, 2013 at 18:00.

Tournament fee is 100 NOK per players.

The tournament is a individual tournament.

This will be played in 3 flights divided by handicap.
  • The flight with the name "A" is to all players with handicap between 0.0 and 19.9.
  • The flight with the name "B" is to all players with handicap between 20.0 and 29.9.
  • The flight with the name "C" is to all players with handicap between 30.0 and 99.0.

The tournament ia an open tournament.

Max. number of players is 48.

The tournament has a waiting list sorted by "first come - first serve" principle.

The tournament has handicap limitations divided by gender.
  • For ladies then handicap not higher than 99.0.
  • For men then handicap not higher than 99.0.

1st round will be played Sunday, August 11, 2013.

This will be played on the course Krokhol Golfbane 2024.

This will be played stroke play with full hcp over 18 holes.

Playing with a maximum handicap allowance of 36.0.

This will be played from different tees used for gender.
  • All ladies must play from bb-sløyfene (45) tee.
  • All men must play from cc-sløyfene (52) tee.

With a tied result the positions are decided by lowest handicap and draw.

NB!! Slagkonkurranse - Slag/slaggolf

Dersom man ikke har hullet ut når antall slag på et hull tilsvarer hullets par + 5, plukkes ballen opp og dette antall slag noteres.

Som vanlig justeres for antall mottatte slag. Etter endt runde summeres først brutto slag på de 9 hullene. Deretter trekkes antall mottatte slag (spillehandicap'et) fra og nettoresultatet føres opp.

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Stine Torgersen 900 21709
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