Sola Golfklubb  (Tournament list)

Sola Golfklubb, 21/06/2009


Conditions and practical information
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The name of the tournament is Suzann Junior Challenge TO Finale.

The tournament is held at Sola Golfklubb on 21 June 2009 from 08:00 to 12:00.

Registration starts the 22 May 2009 at 00:00.
Registration deadline is on the 16 June 2009 at 12:00.

Tournament fee is 120 NOK per players.

The tournament is a individual tournament.

There will be played in 4 groups divided by gender and age.
  • The group with the name "1J" is to ladies, if age is between 15 and 16 year per 31/12/2009.
  • The group with the name "2J" is to ladies, if age is between 13 and 14 year per 31/12/2009.
  • The group with the name "1G" is to men, if age is between 15 and 16 year per 31/12/2009.
  • The group with the name "2G" is to men, if age is between 13 and 14 year per 31/12/2009.

The tournament is an invitational tournament.

1st round will be played 21 June 2009.

There will be played on the course Sola Gk - Forus.

There will be played strokeplay without handicap over 18 holes.

There will be played from different tees used for gender.
  • All ladies must be played from red tee.
  • All men must be played from yellow tee.

With a tied result the positions are decided after last 18, last 9, last 6, last 3 and last hole.

Tied 1st. place determined by sudden death playoff.

Competition Stableford Adjustment is used.

TO finalen vil ha shotgun start og med utslag kl 09.00. Vi får deltakerliste fra NGF og vet dermed ikke hvor mange som deltar, men antar det vil være treer-flighter. Vi vil arrangere en middag etter endt turnering, hvor alle får grillmat. Skal ledsagere ha mat, bør de melde fra om dette så tidlig som mulig. Kostnad for denne maten er 120 kr, som må betales separat for ledsagere og som vil være startavgift for deltakerne.

Innspill er mulig på lørdag ettermiddag etter kl 14. Dette avtales med proshop direkte.

Ansvarlig for turnering er Sigbjørn Bø, mobil 908 92 327

GolfBox A/S  -  Sensommervej 34 F  -  8600 Silkeborg
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