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Conditions and practical information
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The name of the tournament is Jentescramble.
The tournament is held at Stavanger Golfklubb on 28 May 2010 from 17:30 to 18:00.
Registration starts the 25 May 2010 at 00:00. Registration deadline is on the 27 May 2010 at 18:00.
Tournament fee is 50 NOK per team.
The tournament is a scramble tournament.
There will be played in a total team group.
Every team must be set up by 3 players.
The tournament is a closed tournament for members of Stavanger Golfklubb.
1st round will be played 28 May 2010.
There will be played on the course Stavanger Golfklubb 24.
There will be played strokeplay with 1/2 phcp over 9 holes.
There will be played from different tees used for gender.
All ladies must be played from red tee.
All men must be played from yellow tee.
With a tied result the positions are decided after lowest playing handicap.
Alle jenter i Stavanger gk og Sola gk inviteres til jentescramble. Lagene vil bli satt opp på tvers av klubbene. Vi starter ca kl. 17.30 og det spilles 9 hull. Det blir premieutdeling og pizza/brus i juniorhuset etter turneringen.
NB oppsatt turnering fredag 4. juni går ut.
Ansvarlig arrangør: Karen E. Gilje Woie, mobil 93251847 eller e-mail: