Krokhol Golfklubb  (Tournament list)

Krokhol Golfklubb, 23/09/2012

Here you can register and pay - or you can unregister

Conditions and practical information
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The name of the tournament is Elgjakta, flaggturnering, start kl. 1000.

The tournament is held at Krokhol Golfklubb on 23 September 2012 from 10:00 to 15:00.

Registration starts the 28 August 2012 at 00:00.
Registration deadline is on the 21 September 2012 at 16:00.

Tournament fee is 100 NOK per players.

The tournament is a individual tournament.

There will be played in 2 groups divided by gender and age.
  • The group with the name "A" is to men, if age is between 13 and 99 year.
  • The group with the name "B" is to ladies, if age is between 13 and 99 year.

The tournament is a closed tournament for members of Krokhol Golfklubb.

Max. number of players are 100.

The tournament has a waiting list sorted after "first come - first serve" principle.

The tournament has handicap limitations divided by gender.
  • For ladies then handicap not higher than 98.0.
  • For men then handicap not higher than 98.0.

1st round will be played 23 September 2012.

There will be played on the course Krokhol Golfbane 2024.

There will be played strokeplay with full phcp over 18 holes.

Playing with a maximum handicap allowance of 36.0.

There will be played from different tees used for gender and group.
  • All men In the group "A" must be played from yellow tee.
  • All ladies In the group "B" must be played from red tee.

With a tied result the positions are decided after lowest playing handicap and draw.

Dette er en Flaggturnering.
Start på hull 1 - Flagget settes ned etter banens par + mottatte slag

Jens Kr. Tofteberg 911 86 375

For kontaktopplysninger se under turneringer og Turneringskomite på hjemmesiden.

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